Cabinet Magazine, NYC, USA

Cabinet magazine and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at the New School held a conference recently. Here are the details:

The Summit: A General Assembly with Representatives of Real and Possible Countries

June 23rd (Thursday), 5:30 pm, FREE

The New School, New York

Scholars, diplomats, and spokespersons from both internationally recognized and self-declared countries will gather to consider, propose, and debate what constitutes a country. The evening’s panel discussion, party, and citizenship drive coincide with Cabinet’s forthcoming “Fictional States” issue (summer 2005) and with the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School’s year-long investigation of the concept of “Homeland”

5:30 to 7:30pm

The Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, 55 West 13th Street, second floor (between 5th and 6th Avenues)

Participants Include:
— Jonathan Bach, Associate Professor of International Affairs, The New School
— Eames Demetrios, artist and Geographer-at-Large, Kymaerica
— Gregory Green, artist and citizen, The New Free State of Caroline
— Ambassador Raymond Loretan, Consul General of Switzerland in New York
— George Pendle, cultural critic and author of “Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons”

Party, Film Screenings, and Citizenship Drive
7:30 to 9pm

The Vera List Courtyard, 66 West 12th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues)

Participants include:
–Jonathan Cedar and Evan Skow, “E Mare Libertas” (screening)
–Ken Montgomery, Minister of Lamination, The Royal Kingdom of Elgaland-Vargaland
–Lary 7, Minister of Audiology, The Royal Kingdom of Elgaland-Vargaland
–Jaime Davidovich, “interview with Zush” (screening)
Of related interest is “We Could Have Invited Everyone,” an exhibition featuring dozens of micro-nations and self-declared countries. The exhibition, curated by Robert Blackson and Peter Coffin, will be on view from June 24 to July 29, 2005 at Andrew Kreps Gallery, 516 West 20th St, New York.

For further information about Cabinet, visit
For further information about the Vera List Center for Art and Politics, visit www.nsu/

The toolbox of The Minister of Lamination

The Minister of Audiology at work